Oakland has supported the A's for 38 years, and this rich history cannot be compromised. A's fans have celebrated and suffered with this team, and almost two generations of A's fans have lived with their team playing Oakland. Help Keep the A's in Oakland and fight the move. Feel free to voice your opinion on topics by making comments on posts. Please, add your name or screen name to your comments, because the validity of your comment is hurt by being anonymous. Thanks and Go A's

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Article from Inside Bay Area

I was informed by the writer of Seventh Inning Stretch that I should link the articles I post, to avoid copyright issues. So heres the link to the article "Fremont better than Las Vegas for A's fans" by Henry Reichman.

Heres the link:
Fremont Better than Las Vegas for A's fans

The article has some interesting points especially about the lack of transportation at the Fremont site and what moving the team South will do to fans in the North Bay and in Contra Costa. As I've said before, there is no proof that there are large numbers of A's fans reside in the South Bay. Yes there are tons of large corporations in the South Bay, but Wolff's vision of a ballpark village needs the fans thrive.


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