Video from Chose or Lose Rally
Oakland has supported the A's for 38 years, and this rich history cannot be compromised. A's fans have celebrated and suffered with this team, and almost two generations of A's fans have lived with their team playing Oakland. Help Keep the A's in Oakland and fight the move. Feel free to voice your opinion on topics by making comments on posts. Please, add your name or screen name to your comments, because the validity of your comment is hurt by being anonymous. Thanks and Go A's
Here is info on the next fan rally, "There Is No A In Fremont" Day, set to take place the same day as Fremont Day @ the A's, Wed. August 16th.
”There Is No A In Fremont” Day
8/03/2006 6:44 PM
As I've said before, I hope these efforts are being directed primarily at Oakland City officials as opposed to Lew Wolff and the ball club.
However, I'm still seeing a lot of "How can they leave Oakland and go to Fremont?" Acting as if this is the same thing as the Brooklyn Dodgers going to LA 50 years ago.
It's not the same. Far from it. And speaking of moving to LA, just remember how many Raider fans stayed loyal even though the team was 400 miles away.
Fremont's only 30 miles away, so quit attacking Fremont. And stop attacking the A's and START putting pressure on the new mayor and city council. Otherwise, you all look like a bunch of whining fools.
Go A's!
8/24/2006 11:04 AM
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