Oakland has supported the A's for 38 years, and this rich history cannot be compromised. A's fans have celebrated and suffered with this team, and almost two generations of A's fans have lived with their team playing Oakland. Help Keep the A's in Oakland and fight the move. Feel free to voice your opinion on topics by making comments on posts. Please, add your name or screen name to your comments, because the validity of your comment is hurt by being anonymous. Thanks and Go A's

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This is why the A's need to stay in Oakland

Macha loosens up at side shows and gets hyphy E-fizzle. A rumor is goin around that Swish was spinnin some O's wit Keak Da Sneak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah baby, MC Macha is taking the sideshow to Fremont!

5/16/2006 6:07 PM

Blogger Georob said...

Why do I have this vision of all these "souped up" sideshow cars and then Ken Macha pulling up in a Toyota Camry?

5/17/2006 7:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it! Just discovered this website and this is the first thing I see. Best website ever.

5/17/2006 10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess Macha just wants hip hop in the clubhouse. Sorry Swish, no Country.

5/17/2006 10:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

7/18/2006 5:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

7/20/2006 1:20 PM


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