Oakland has supported the A's for 38 years, and this rich history cannot be compromised. A's fans have celebrated and suffered with this team, and almost two generations of A's fans have lived with their team playing Oakland. Help Keep the A's in Oakland and fight the move. Feel free to voice your opinion on topics by making comments on posts. Please, add your name or screen name to your comments, because the validity of your comment is hurt by being anonymous. Thanks and Go A's

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Keep the A's in Oakland" Tailgate

Here is the press release:
Keep the A’s in Oakland” Tailgate Party followed by (secret) “in-stadium” Demonstration

All members of the “keep the A’s in Oakland” community are invited to celebrate their unity with live entertainment and can hear from local leaders expressing their commitment to keep the A’s.

OAKLAND, CA. The “keep the A’s in Oakland” Community has developed into a common voice expressing the frustration that it is the 11th hour and we are very close to losing the Oakland A's, yet we demand courageous and creative leadership to invent a common sense to facilitate and implement the construction of a new stadium in Oakland. We respectfully, but in no uncertain terms, demand that our voices are heard and heeded by our leaders, and to this end, we are growing our community at the “Keep the A’s in Oakland” Tailgate Party followed by an “in-stadium” demonstration Friday, July 7th, from 5:00-7:00 PM at the “B” parking lot tailgate area located on the Hegenberger side of the Coliseum parking lot. The “in-stadium” demonstration will take place inside the game and will be visual and artistic prompting the general community, young and old, to stand up and raise their voices as one.

Show up and hear for yourselves as City of Oakland leaders (all have been invited including Mayor-elect Ron Dellums) engage with the “keep the A’s in Oakland” community and state what they will do to keep this valuable resource. A follow-up press release will be sent out in the days prior to the event with a confirmed list of City and County Leaders who will participate. Please advertise and cover this newsworthy event as a community rises and turns possibility into reality. The event will begin promptly at 5:00 PM and will run until just before game time, 7:00 PM.

For more information, contact Robert Limon at 510-501-5811 or chooseorloseoakland@yahoo.com

Monday, June 05, 2006

"Chose or Lose" Mayor Candidates videos on You Tube

It's too bad, these videos weren't made available before the election, but here is some great footage of the Oakland Mayor candidates views on the A's stadium situation. Give her credit, Nancy Nadel was the only one to participate in the debate at the Uptown club, but her ideas for the A's seemed bleak, similar to the current Oakland office. Ignacio De La Fuente, in his usual energetic self, was gung-ho about keeping the A's and Ron Dellums spoke like a true politician saying that he would try his best to keep the A's, but felt the door was closing. Annie Fields lesser known candidate was all for keeping the A's and was good to see someone fired up (Click on the links to see the videos).

Fremont has budget problems? You mean like Oakland and SJ?

Yes, it's true. Like most major California cities, Fremont, for the first time will have to dip into its reserve. Chris De Benedetti writes about how funding a larger police force, fire department, and infrastucture in anticipation of a new stadium will not be possible with Fremont's current budget. Just like Oakland and San Jose, both cites looking to lure a new ballpark, Fremont is showing its weakness's. "The city of Fremont cannot pay out of pocket for those services(Police, fire, repavement of roads), therefore we would have to be financially compensated in the negotiations," says City Manager Fred Diaz . "And Mr. (Lewis) Wolff is sensitive to that." So Wolff, would have to pay for security and infrastructure around his ballpark, if planning to go with Fremont. How much will he be willing to throw down? Will his ballpark village be able to fully pay for these additional costs? Maybe Wolff should just buy Pacific Commons and make it his own town. The Wolffland A's, that has a ring...

REMEMBER TO VOTE TODAY Wherever you may live.

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